The last couple of days when i have logged into Blogspot, my privacy settings have given me warnings to delete every trace of blogspot from my computer. I wonder why that is so...
Any ways, i am being a rebel and choosing NOT to listen to my computer. I think my privacy settings are just jealous that I am spending so much time with blogspot. But seriously. I think I am as private as blogspot can get! Number 18?? 5 followers?? I mean, its not like I'm saying all over my blogs "MY NAME IS MARIAH GIRTRED BOSINGSWORTH AND I LIVE ON 168 BELLTOWN STREET DUBBO" ahh, woops. Oh well. And i guess I do have a some pictures of myself. Me, standing there in the sunlight and one of just my face. Oh well.
Any way, yesterday I went to Bribie Island for breakfast with my Mummy and my little sister. We started the day off, wanting to go to a local little cafe with delicious pancakes. but it was closed. But we didn't let that little fact deter us. We wanted pancakes!!!!! So off we set on our journey to look for a yummy breakfast. We searched far and wide in Narangbar - looking for a decent breakfast. We saw one cafe... but it didn't serve any pancakes. THAT WOULD NOT DO!!!
We ended up travelling all the way to bribie Island for pancakes. Wat sat there for
AGESSSS waiting for them and a small bowl of chips. Amity was getting restless and when our pancakes finally came out... they weren't that good. but we were STARVINNNNNGG so it didn't really matter. We only ate the top layer of the chips on the bowls cause the chips were yucky.
By this stage, i was very tired and aggitable and i wanted to go home. badly.
Another thing happened recently which was very exciting for me: I discovered my spiritual gift. YAYY!!! Its so very exciting!!
ANy ways, id best be going and cleaning my room and stuff. Xanthe is coming over today and sleeping over!! and Tammy might drop in also. We are going to see Sherlock Holmes tomorrow!!! YAY!!!