Monday, February 28, 2011
The Visual of some aspects of my life: Because i can, and cause i want to.
My family calls me nutty, but they still love me. And hey, it's my home, i'm allowed to do what i like.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
so, i've been up since 3:30 in the morning working on my art assignment.
I had to do a massive prayer sesh before hand cause i felt like crying.
but i got it done, it's atrocious and poorly written and i think it's quite obvious that i have no idea what i'm talking about, but it's done. AT least... the draft is done. And thats what i prayed for, so thank you jesus!!!
I dont know why, i've been doing from 600 - 800 - 1500 word essays every term in art since grade nine, and every time i've earned good marks, but this assignment, i don't know... i just couldn't focus and couldn't do it. This one was just hard for me.
BUT! I have reignited my passion for peppermint tea.
Maybe it was after drinking the barf Tea that made me really appreciate it.
I put sugar in it, thought the first few sips tasted good, wrote it on hollys wall... but then barf. It just resumed its barf flavour. I was gunna heave.
So i made me some peppermint tea, and i danced aorund my bedroom and then i drank somemore and i sang really loud, and i drank some more and danced some more... because i just had that much joy over the wonderful taste and warmth!!!!!
And now i'm sitting infront of the computer twiddling my thumbs cause i don't have anything overly interesting to write.
Oh, maybe i can tell you about how excited i was for today.
I went through school yesterday, dreading having to go to work. And then i went to work, and i prayed for erin while i was at work. (shame she couldn't return the favour, turd face.) and i felt better, and work was actually pleasant, and my nasty manager wasn't there, and just Jess was there whos usually kinda cold, but today she was really friendly. Apparently she's going to bash some girl today... when i politely asked why she said "aw, just feel like it, she's been giving me the sh*ts on facebook"
Note to self: do NOT get on Jess's bad side, and don't add her as a friend on facebook.
Anyways, during work i was trying to make myself happy, but i just couldn't. I was dead tired and constantly yawning from another 3:30 awaken that morning (erin Sheppard knows why ;P) So i tried to think of exciting stuff that i had to look forward to, like school. (yes, i actually love school. Friends, entertainment, fun classes) I thought of morning tea, tuck, Drama rehearsal in the arvo, then Vetamorphus retreat after school... so i'll be coming to the school in the morning, and i wont leave till sunday. I'm actually pumped! And also we're having an icecream party in Maths today. I love Friday afternoon double maths!
SO, i was just thinkg to myself at work, all i have to do is get through these hours, get through the hours in the morning, and then the rest of the day and weekend will be brill.
But then i realised something else. Joy and Peace shouldn't come through circumstances. Why can't i just be content with God? WHy do i have to look towards material things for comfort and excitement? Joy and Peace are endless and eternal... and if i don't feel like that through God alone, there must be something wrong.
There are kids goind through much worse stuff than just having to sort through giant boxes of cigarettes and smile politely and talk to customers while restrcting a yawn.
So Toughen up Mariah!
You have no right to call yourself Man-Riah with an attitude like that!
SHamefully, i called in sick to work last week... just cause i didn't want to go to work and i had "assignments". Shameful. Really really REALLY shameful.
Seriously, if God didn't want me to go to work, he would've stopped me.
But obviously God wants me to be there, maybe he wants to teach me something. Maybe i need the endurance training or something. I don't know.
But i'm really angry at myself for questioning God's plan.
Sigh. Thankfully, after thinking more about eternal peace and never ending joy, i feel more of it. It's kind of like an awareness thing. Sure, it's always there, you mightn't always FEEL it, but as soon as you think of it, and you're aware of it, it's there again.
Goodbye and good morning lovely blog -readers.
I hope you are excited about today as i am :)
I had to do a massive prayer sesh before hand cause i felt like crying.
but i got it done, it's atrocious and poorly written and i think it's quite obvious that i have no idea what i'm talking about, but it's done. AT least... the draft is done. And thats what i prayed for, so thank you jesus!!!
I dont know why, i've been doing from 600 - 800 - 1500 word essays every term in art since grade nine, and every time i've earned good marks, but this assignment, i don't know... i just couldn't focus and couldn't do it. This one was just hard for me.
BUT! I have reignited my passion for peppermint tea.
Maybe it was after drinking the barf Tea that made me really appreciate it.
I put sugar in it, thought the first few sips tasted good, wrote it on hollys wall... but then barf. It just resumed its barf flavour. I was gunna heave.
So i made me some peppermint tea, and i danced aorund my bedroom and then i drank somemore and i sang really loud, and i drank some more and danced some more... because i just had that much joy over the wonderful taste and warmth!!!!!
And now i'm sitting infront of the computer twiddling my thumbs cause i don't have anything overly interesting to write.
Oh, maybe i can tell you about how excited i was for today.
I went through school yesterday, dreading having to go to work. And then i went to work, and i prayed for erin while i was at work. (shame she couldn't return the favour, turd face.) and i felt better, and work was actually pleasant, and my nasty manager wasn't there, and just Jess was there whos usually kinda cold, but today she was really friendly. Apparently she's going to bash some girl today... when i politely asked why she said "aw, just feel like it, she's been giving me the sh*ts on facebook"
Note to self: do NOT get on Jess's bad side, and don't add her as a friend on facebook.
Anyways, during work i was trying to make myself happy, but i just couldn't. I was dead tired and constantly yawning from another 3:30 awaken that morning (erin Sheppard knows why ;P) So i tried to think of exciting stuff that i had to look forward to, like school. (yes, i actually love school. Friends, entertainment, fun classes) I thought of morning tea, tuck, Drama rehearsal in the arvo, then Vetamorphus retreat after school... so i'll be coming to the school in the morning, and i wont leave till sunday. I'm actually pumped! And also we're having an icecream party in Maths today. I love Friday afternoon double maths!
SO, i was just thinkg to myself at work, all i have to do is get through these hours, get through the hours in the morning, and then the rest of the day and weekend will be brill.
But then i realised something else. Joy and Peace shouldn't come through circumstances. Why can't i just be content with God? WHy do i have to look towards material things for comfort and excitement? Joy and Peace are endless and eternal... and if i don't feel like that through God alone, there must be something wrong.
There are kids goind through much worse stuff than just having to sort through giant boxes of cigarettes and smile politely and talk to customers while restrcting a yawn.
So Toughen up Mariah!
You have no right to call yourself Man-Riah with an attitude like that!
SHamefully, i called in sick to work last week... just cause i didn't want to go to work and i had "assignments". Shameful. Really really REALLY shameful.
Seriously, if God didn't want me to go to work, he would've stopped me.
But obviously God wants me to be there, maybe he wants to teach me something. Maybe i need the endurance training or something. I don't know.
But i'm really angry at myself for questioning God's plan.
Sigh. Thankfully, after thinking more about eternal peace and never ending joy, i feel more of it. It's kind of like an awareness thing. Sure, it's always there, you mightn't always FEEL it, but as soon as you think of it, and you're aware of it, it's there again.
Goodbye and good morning lovely blog -readers.
I hope you are excited about today as i am :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Akiane is amazing, a true child prodigy.
Born from atheist parents, she recieved dreams from God and grew up with amazing talent for drawing and writing.
She is un-freaking-believable.
a true inspiration.
She's had visions of heaven and conveys it the best she can through her art.
she says there are colours never even seen before.
I love her spiritual work, i love the clear dvine inspiration.
The picture up the top she painted when she was 15, depicting adam and eve.
Not her best, but still amazing.
For her "Prince of Peace" portrait, she prayed a whole day for a man to show up so she could have a life model, the very next day a 7 foot carpenter showed up at her door.
I love this girl!
Mr Bogan wore a soceroos shirt to ancient today.
And i commented loudly.
And he looked really distressed.
yelling quite loudly "MR BOOGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN LIKES THE SOCEROOOOOOOOOSSSSSSS" in the bogan-ess voice possible could perhaps be interpreted as quite threatening.
Me and Holly went on the mueller website and just laughed at every single photo in the album. Except the ones that were trying to be funny. That was just try hard. And lame.
Mr bogan gave the funniest comments on the photos. Holly and i appreciated them.
Oh, and by the way, i just have to say... i really really despise short blog posts.
sorry, but its true.
I'm massively pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!
This lady from my church called my mum and asked if i could be involved in this advocacy thingo. It's like, about homeless people in our area.
She called my mum, because apperently last year sometime when i got a a badge off her, it sounded like i knew what i was talking about :P WIth like poverty and stuff. Well Hey! Thats pretty awesome. Something as simple as getting a badge can leave an impression :D
SOme lady is going to talk mueller about it, to get mueller involved.
it's not like a charity, its more a of a campaign, or a panel. Something.
The emails are confusing, and i feel slightly imtimidated with all the adults.
Umm... i feel really inadequate with my blogging, but i feel really rushed. only one night to write my assignment.
and i will leave you with some photographic evidence of the fun Adam, amity and I get up to (unfortunately adam refused to let me do his face):

P.s. Holly, see what i mean about painting the crotches?
And i commented loudly.
And he looked really distressed.
yelling quite loudly "MR BOOGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN LIKES THE SOCEROOOOOOOOOSSSSSSS" in the bogan-ess voice possible could perhaps be interpreted as quite threatening.
Me and Holly went on the mueller website and just laughed at every single photo in the album. Except the ones that were trying to be funny. That was just try hard. And lame.
Mr bogan gave the funniest comments on the photos. Holly and i appreciated them.
Oh, and by the way, i just have to say... i really really despise short blog posts.
sorry, but its true.
I'm massively pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!
This lady from my church called my mum and asked if i could be involved in this advocacy thingo. It's like, about homeless people in our area.
She called my mum, because apperently last year sometime when i got a a badge off her, it sounded like i knew what i was talking about :P WIth like poverty and stuff. Well Hey! Thats pretty awesome. Something as simple as getting a badge can leave an impression :D
SOme lady is going to talk mueller about it, to get mueller involved.
it's not like a charity, its more a of a campaign, or a panel. Something.
The emails are confusing, and i feel slightly imtimidated with all the adults.
Umm... i feel really inadequate with my blogging, but i feel really rushed. only one night to write my assignment.
and i will leave you with some photographic evidence of the fun Adam, amity and I get up to (unfortunately adam refused to let me do his face):
P.s. Holly, see what i mean about painting the crotches?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Music is so corrupt.
Well, basically everything is corrupt, and music is just another thing tainted.
But seriously, music on the radio is quite sickening, like really. Puke-ifying.
I used to love rhianna. She was my idol, i used to bop around to 'SOS' and 'pon de replay' and then all of the sudden she gets ruder and ruder and ruder and fouler and more and more disgusting and blerrghhh. It's the element of shock. Artists trying to out-do eachother. Trying to impress seedy teenage boys and disgusting old men. And appealing to kids who just like fun music to dance to, or just fun music in general.
I find it kinda sad how i listen to the radio in the car in the mornings, and amity knows the words to a lot of the songs, and i hardly even listen to the words, and when i finally do...
oh em gee.
Since when is it okay to sing
"But tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know "
I'm listenig to it thinking... ummm.... you can clearly hear to "ff" and "ing" sound, just cuz they edit out the "ck" sound does NOT make it alright. And what kind of chorus is that any way? Just repeating the same line over and over again... like seriously, yer i get it... yah gunna rape me, okay, yep, thanks alot. Oh, you said it again. Wow, thats really getting annoying, oh wow. Please stop. SHUT UUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goodness gracious me.
And whats with Rhianna singing about boys erections??
and also singing stuff like:
"Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me"
And whats with Far East Movement openly advocating binge drinking?? Like seriously, can i only 'be feeling so fly like a G6' while drunk?
and no, Swedish House Mafia, I do NOT want to see whats hiding in your CK breifs.
And, oh my gosh. Kanye, oh Kanye. I love ya, but seriously? I thought 'stronger' was a nice song.
And don't even get me STARTED about Kanye's 'Hell of a Life'
That song has been taken off you-tube i'm pretty sure, yet it was playing on the radio.
Yer, Kanye. It's great that your off the drugs, but you dont need to list what replaces it in your song. And so what if your in love with a Porn Star? Keep it to yourself maghhyt.
Katy Perry is the most disappointing for me.
Kathryn Hudson, a good little christian girl, daddy's a pastor.
She wanted to be a singer, good for her.
She released Christian Songs - no result.
She released secular, but innocent songs - no result.
She released 'Ur so Gay' - more interest, yet still a dud.
She released 'I kissed a Girl' and changed her name to 'Katy Perry' - BAM. Instantly popular.
Katy! Oh Katy! Why are you such a soul whore?
you've basically sold everything you stand for
And you're dragging so many people down with you.
I hope its worth it Kathryn.
The females worth in the music industry... well the SUCCESSFUL music industry ;) is as a reproductive tool. And the only way females can genuinely get famous is to sing about erections, Sing about kissing other girls to excite males, stick cupcakes on their boobs and lie naked in clouds, wear meat costumes and claw their way to men and sing about "riding on disco sticks".
And males, usually when referring to females sing about them being a "sexy bitch" being a "hoe" or just refer to them a "shawty".
Pussycat dolls, you are so fickle.
singing "I don't need a man to make me feel good"
then singing "Loosen up my buttons"
then singing "i don't give a beep keep looking at my beep imma do my thang while you're..." (i dont even feel comfortable writing the rest)
then singing "be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it"
and blerghhhhh
Sitting on a chair promiscuously undoing your buttons in the middle of a fire does NOT lift girls up. It doesn't lift ANYONE up. Muscians seem to just be selfish.
Just plain selfish.
I've realised that i dont want my little sister listening to this stuff. It's just ferel.
It really is a horrid industry with no depth at all
and it's just feeding of the weaknesses of the people.
Congratualations music industry. i hope you make heaps of money, make lots of children, promote corruption, destroy the world and die sad and lonely.
Well, basically everything is corrupt, and music is just another thing tainted.
But seriously, music on the radio is quite sickening, like really. Puke-ifying.
I used to love rhianna. She was my idol, i used to bop around to 'SOS' and 'pon de replay' and then all of the sudden she gets ruder and ruder and ruder and fouler and more and more disgusting and blerrghhh. It's the element of shock. Artists trying to out-do eachother. Trying to impress seedy teenage boys and disgusting old men. And appealing to kids who just like fun music to dance to, or just fun music in general.
I find it kinda sad how i listen to the radio in the car in the mornings, and amity knows the words to a lot of the songs, and i hardly even listen to the words, and when i finally do...
oh em gee.
Since when is it okay to sing
"But tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f*ng you
Oh you know "
I'm listenig to it thinking... ummm.... you can clearly hear to "ff" and "ing" sound, just cuz they edit out the "ck" sound does NOT make it alright. And what kind of chorus is that any way? Just repeating the same line over and over again... like seriously, yer i get it... yah gunna rape me, okay, yep, thanks alot. Oh, you said it again. Wow, thats really getting annoying, oh wow. Please stop. SHUT UUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goodness gracious me.
And whats with Rhianna singing about boys erections??
and also singing stuff like:
"Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me"
And whats with Far East Movement openly advocating binge drinking?? Like seriously, can i only 'be feeling so fly like a G6' while drunk?
and no, Swedish House Mafia, I do NOT want to see whats hiding in your CK breifs.
And, oh my gosh. Kanye, oh Kanye. I love ya, but seriously? I thought 'stronger' was a nice song.
And don't even get me STARTED about Kanye's 'Hell of a Life'
That song has been taken off you-tube i'm pretty sure, yet it was playing on the radio.
Yer, Kanye. It's great that your off the drugs, but you dont need to list what replaces it in your song. And so what if your in love with a Porn Star? Keep it to yourself maghhyt.
Katy Perry is the most disappointing for me.
Kathryn Hudson, a good little christian girl, daddy's a pastor.
She wanted to be a singer, good for her.
She released Christian Songs - no result.
She released secular, but innocent songs - no result.
She released 'Ur so Gay' - more interest, yet still a dud.
She released 'I kissed a Girl' and changed her name to 'Katy Perry' - BAM. Instantly popular.
Katy! Oh Katy! Why are you such a soul whore?
you've basically sold everything you stand for
And you're dragging so many people down with you.
I hope its worth it Kathryn.
The females worth in the music industry... well the SUCCESSFUL music industry ;) is as a reproductive tool. And the only way females can genuinely get famous is to sing about erections, Sing about kissing other girls to excite males, stick cupcakes on their boobs and lie naked in clouds, wear meat costumes and claw their way to men and sing about "riding on disco sticks".
And males, usually when referring to females sing about them being a "sexy bitch" being a "hoe" or just refer to them a "shawty".
Pussycat dolls, you are so fickle.
singing "I don't need a man to make me feel good"
then singing "Loosen up my buttons"
then singing "i don't give a beep keep looking at my beep imma do my thang while you're..." (i dont even feel comfortable writing the rest)
then singing "be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it"
and blerghhhhh
Sitting on a chair promiscuously undoing your buttons in the middle of a fire does NOT lift girls up. It doesn't lift ANYONE up. Muscians seem to just be selfish.
Just plain selfish.
I've realised that i dont want my little sister listening to this stuff. It's just ferel.
It really is a horrid industry with no depth at all
and it's just feeding of the weaknesses of the people.
Congratualations music industry. i hope you make heaps of money, make lots of children, promote corruption, destroy the world and die sad and lonely.
i am feeling really excited right now.
Like.... realllllyyyyyyyyyy excited.
and i have absolutely no idea why.
But this excitment
is raging
in my tummy
I can feel it
But i don't know why.
Maybe its because i feel encouraged.
You know when you get a random compliment, or someone smiles at you that you think actually hates you? Yer. Or you know that feeling when some one says something nice behind your back and you find out about it?
I love that.
We should all do that
say something nice about some one
behind their back
and they will find out
and even if they dont
you have at least spread some kindness.
WOah, i'm really enjoying this weird spacing.
I think i have been inspired by Thomas Hardy.
You know why else i may be excited?
Because i know things.
And you know why else?
Because i can see my prayers being answered every single day.
little things
seemingly insignificant things
but obviously not.
Obviously they meant something to God.
happiness is fine but it's momentary
a momentary lapse of reality
reality is fine
but for the moment it can wait
i'm addicted to the chase
of my happiness
That song's been stuck in my head all day.
umm um ummmmmmm
i have realised i say 'um' way too much.
I have also realised i am a compulsive liar ;)
One day, i wish to say something without beginning it with giggles and 'umm'.
I also wish to participate in a conversation with peers without formulating some ridiculous, random lie along the way.
It's Amity's Birthday today.
i spent last night blowing up a mass amount of pink baloons, hand painting a poster that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and putting up streamers and confetti. Oh yes, and before that i walked down to the shops with amity looking like a massive bogan in my school uniform and bought amity some pressies. Without her noticing, it was actually quite easy. So i spent last night wrapping up those presents too.
You might think by the preparations that amity was ahving a huge party today.
It was just me, my mum and adam.
But when she woke up, we sang happy birthday, and played her favourite song, and she danced to it and played in the baloons. My mum thought my preparations were excessive... i mean, she wont even remember this when she's older, she'll probably forget it next week... but for today, it's magical.
I've really gotta start getting into my school work too.
i usually come home from school, and just talk to my mum. and tell her every single detail about my day. If any of you wanna dig up some dirt on me, ask my mum and some how turn her against me. She knows all my secrets. SHe knows my evil side.
SHe's the one who sees me at my dorkiest.
I feel like there's other stuff i should be telling my blog... but there really isn't much.
And the in-laws are here. so i'm leaving.
Like.... realllllyyyyyyyyyy excited.
and i have absolutely no idea why.
But this excitment
is raging
in my tummy
I can feel it
But i don't know why.
Maybe its because i feel encouraged.
You know when you get a random compliment, or someone smiles at you that you think actually hates you? Yer. Or you know that feeling when some one says something nice behind your back and you find out about it?
I love that.
We should all do that
say something nice about some one
behind their back
and they will find out
and even if they dont
you have at least spread some kindness.
WOah, i'm really enjoying this weird spacing.
I think i have been inspired by Thomas Hardy.
You know why else i may be excited?
Because i know things.
And you know why else?
Because i can see my prayers being answered every single day.
little things
seemingly insignificant things
but obviously not.
Obviously they meant something to God.
happiness is fine but it's momentary
a momentary lapse of reality
reality is fine
but for the moment it can wait
i'm addicted to the chase
of my happiness
That song's been stuck in my head all day.
umm um ummmmmmm
i have realised i say 'um' way too much.
I have also realised i am a compulsive liar ;)
One day, i wish to say something without beginning it with giggles and 'umm'.
I also wish to participate in a conversation with peers without formulating some ridiculous, random lie along the way.
It's Amity's Birthday today.
i spent last night blowing up a mass amount of pink baloons, hand painting a poster that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and putting up streamers and confetti. Oh yes, and before that i walked down to the shops with amity looking like a massive bogan in my school uniform and bought amity some pressies. Without her noticing, it was actually quite easy. So i spent last night wrapping up those presents too.
You might think by the preparations that amity was ahving a huge party today.
It was just me, my mum and adam.
But when she woke up, we sang happy birthday, and played her favourite song, and she danced to it and played in the baloons. My mum thought my preparations were excessive... i mean, she wont even remember this when she's older, she'll probably forget it next week... but for today, it's magical.
I've really gotta start getting into my school work too.
i usually come home from school, and just talk to my mum. and tell her every single detail about my day. If any of you wanna dig up some dirt on me, ask my mum and some how turn her against me. She knows all my secrets. SHe knows my evil side.
SHe's the one who sees me at my dorkiest.
I feel like there's other stuff i should be telling my blog... but there really isn't much.
And the in-laws are here. so i'm leaving.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I feel sick. In my tum tum.
i've got so much on this week.
Blerghhh vom.
I'm doing assignments now, listening to Katy Perry's 'ET'.
It's actually quite motivating, when the chorus starts. I find myself typing really fast.
And i also think i have a crush on the bonde guy from Katy Perrys film clip "STARSTRUKK".
He's just so cayoot!
I am actually feeling very cold hearted lately. Especially with all this valentines day stuff going down. Is there something wrong with me for not wanting any part of it? Is there something wrong that i dont actually want a relationship, and the thought makes me queased?
I was talking to my mum about it, and i was like "Maybe i'm a lesbian..."
*extreme awkward silence*
"Please Laugh. I was kidding. Laugh... please."
and then she laughed awkwardly.
i am not a lesbian.
I was just attempting to be funny.
ANyways, i am taking amity to COllin's concert at Muel tonight. should be hardcore.
I hear they're even setting up a mosh pit of Tot's at the front and they're hiring student leaders to be crowd controllers. Should be some intense stuff.
Me and my sis set up a tent this morning to play in. It was fun. she dragged in a foam mattress, a pillow, a blanket, brought her water bottle and sultanas and even dragged in her potty.
Talked to My dad on the phone this morning too.
He was telling me about how he was in Fred Brophys Boxing Troupe. They called my dad "Afro Savage"
it's probably because he has hairy feet.
like freakishly hairy feet.
Kidding. he has hairy feet, because he's italian, but it was because he had curly black hair. Not even an afro.
i've got so much on this week.
Blerghhh vom.
I'm doing assignments now, listening to Katy Perry's 'ET'.
It's actually quite motivating, when the chorus starts. I find myself typing really fast.
And i also think i have a crush on the bonde guy from Katy Perrys film clip "STARSTRUKK".
He's just so cayoot!
I am actually feeling very cold hearted lately. Especially with all this valentines day stuff going down. Is there something wrong with me for not wanting any part of it? Is there something wrong that i dont actually want a relationship, and the thought makes me queased?
I was talking to my mum about it, and i was like "Maybe i'm a lesbian..."
*extreme awkward silence*
"Please Laugh. I was kidding. Laugh... please."
and then she laughed awkwardly.
i am not a lesbian.
I was just attempting to be funny.
ANyways, i am taking amity to COllin's concert at Muel tonight. should be hardcore.
I hear they're even setting up a mosh pit of Tot's at the front and they're hiring student leaders to be crowd controllers. Should be some intense stuff.
Me and my sis set up a tent this morning to play in. It was fun. she dragged in a foam mattress, a pillow, a blanket, brought her water bottle and sultanas and even dragged in her potty.
Talked to My dad on the phone this morning too.
He was telling me about how he was in Fred Brophys Boxing Troupe. They called my dad "Afro Savage"
it's probably because he has hairy feet.
like freakishly hairy feet.
Kidding. he has hairy feet, because he's italian, but it was because he had curly black hair. Not even an afro.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
They threw down their nets
and they followed Him.
There was no time to
calculate profit or loss.
There was no time to
call home for a second opinion.
It seemed like absolute madness.
It seemed like death.
But it was a wise madness,
a necessary death.
The old faith dropped
and sank beneath waves.
The new faith walked on water,
beckoning on to Jerusalem
and the dry hills around.
- Steve Turner
and they followed Him.
There was no time to
calculate profit or loss.
There was no time to
call home for a second opinion.
It seemed like absolute madness.
It seemed like death.
But it was a wise madness,
a necessary death.
The old faith dropped
and sank beneath waves.
The new faith walked on water,
beckoning on to Jerusalem
and the dry hills around.
- Steve Turner
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