Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It's so strange meeting people for the first time in the flesh, if all you know of them is from photographs.

Some people I have seen countless pictures of them. They are always there, trapped in the pose. Trapped in that moment.

And then you finally meet them, and you see their whole being. You hear their voice, see their expressions, see the way they walk. You can almost see their aura.

Meeting people is a strange and wonderful thing. But I am blessed to know the people I know the way that i do.

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Mummy

(inspired by adam thomas)

i don't tell my mum nearly enough, but i love her.

she lives by example and has shown me the most selfless, unconditional love imaginable. And the conditions have been tough in our lives.if i grow to be half like her, i will be proud.

honestly and truly, everything i do is to make this person proud.
