Thursday, July 28, 2011


my friends are wonderful.

I really really appreciate you guys.

Never in my life have i ever felt so secure in my friendships,

Our friendship group is a sanctuary. I feel like it can enter the group in a lunch time, and just laugh and feel safe and nice.

It really is a family. We never fight, we never get angry, we just love eachother.

We care about eachother, and love eachother and have no time for the rest.

Some people call that being fake, i think that is the realest you can get.

I love you guys :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I am feeling slightly sucky at the moment.

It is roughly 4 months until my birthday. I will be 17, i will be at the age of acquiring a licence and i will not have it.

It will also be the last day of school.

It will also be the formal.

I guess i imagined the formal to be some wonderful, magical night, but now everything is falling apart. And i just feel depressed and sour.

I should probably just sleep it off.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Just deciding my future based on pens.

It's always been a toss up between UQ and QUT.
But now, I think I've finally decided.

Looking at the pens both universities handed out, there is a clear winner. And that is my dream University.

 QUT it is!

Well,  I certainly hope so.

I talked to the Dean of some Faculty at QUT yesterday, and I was astounded!
He was a Minister of Australia, he worked his way up the ranks in Australian Politics after studying at QUT.

UQ has absolutely no pull any more.
Sure, the Sandstone buildings are impressive and it is a reputable University, but so is QUT! Heellloooo 90% full-time employment rate after just 4 months of graduating XD

And Gardens Point Campus....... gahhh. CBD. River. Trees out of a fairy tale.

QUT is my dream.

My friends, I have a DREAM!!!!!! :D

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Joy Comes in the Morning

The Morning is such a beautiful time.
Once you get over the initial inertia, it is truly the most wonderful time.

This morning i woke up at 5:00.
that's 2 and a half hours earlier than usual. That's 2 hours where the world is still dark, the air is cold, and I get to be with me.

It's 6:40 and the world is still dark and quiet, the house is still asleep. I'm making porridge in the kitchen, and it is wonderful.

Thank you for winter mornings.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I have realized that i have the best friends in the world, and i do not show my appreciation nearly enough for them. Something i have also realized is that you often don't appreciate friends until someone comes along and appreciates them better.
But my friends, i love you. So very very much. Please don't ever go away.
But right now, I'm just going to write about my friends that will actually read this XD

Erin Sheppard. You are stunningly beautiful and funny and loving and caring an generous. You make me laugh so very very hard. I feel so comfortable around you, like seriously, i think we were separated at birth or something. I absolutely adore spending time with you, and i never ever ever wanna stop being best friends. Remember our pact? You'd better remember.
Erin, you are so talented and lively and colourful. You may seem quite and strange at first, but you light up a room. You are a blessing in my life, Erin.I feel like we know eachother so well. I know i get annoying sometimes, and sometimes i get annoyed at you for stupid things, but I love you very dearly. I love the hope you give me, the support you give me, the stories you give me, and the companionship. Thank you for being there for me, always. Thankyou for being my friend no matter what. You've seen the very worst of me, and you still love me. I want to keep on talking about you, but i can't quite seem to.

Holly Banks. You are one hilarious turd-face. And i mean that in the most loving way possible. I love you like an obese child loves cake. I don't think i can find the right words, but you light up my life so much. Sometimes i think we are the same person. Earballs. All the time. You would think that would get annoying, or that people who are so similar would clash, but we don't. I think we had one real fight, and that was sorted pretty quickly :P
I still remember when we were in the city, and i did something annoying and you said something and i started sulking or something, then within 5 minutes we'd both apologized. That is real friendship. I don't quite remember how we became real friends, but somehow it happened, and i am so thankful to God that it did happen.
Holly you seem to have the whole package. You've got the most fantastic personality ever, you've got the most stunningly attractive face, the best talent in the guitar/vocal/piano/flute/anything you desire to pursue, and you've got a God who seems to protect you no matter what. Look back on your life, and how many times has God actively protected you? it really is quite astounding. So many people would kill for such obvious evidence of love.
Holly, my dear, I love you very much.

Adam Thomas. You were my first ever male best friend. I had a big crush on you in grade 4. I told my closest friends that out of anyone in the grade i would marry you. And that continued on until about grade 9. I remember in grade 7 i hugged you just because i'd never hugged a boy before. Your house was the first boys house i ever went over as MY friend (and not a parents friend or a friends friend). I remember you told me my eyes were wrinkly. I have always respected you sooooo much. I remember when i was younger, i genuinely thought you were perfect. I couldn't remember a time when i saw you sin. I used to want to spend time with you just so that some of the goodness would come off on me.
You make me laugh an insane amount, and i really do love spending time with you. i miss the city-trips, i miss sleazey yogenfruz, i miss Extension art and the art room "tension" and the overall time spending. i miss a lot of stuff.
I just want to say thank you for being there for me in my exceptionally tough times. You've always been so sympathetic and supportive. You have always found the loveliest things to say to me, to encourage me and lift my spirit. I'll never forget that. I love "ya" Adam.

Kyra McGill. You are such a strong, loving girl. You love God so much, and i can tell. One thing i love about you, is that you are so sweet and you fix situations up. If you feel something is wrong, you clear it up and make sure everything is fixed. I love that. it takes a great person to do that. That you so much for encouraging me, and talking to me, and praying with me. It really means so much to me, Kyra. I really do value you as a friend. Although we don't sit together every lunch time or talk every second of the day, i know that you are a friend that will always be there for me. And i thank you so much. You are such a beautiful girl. I love you, Kyra.

Esther Blueburger. You are such a sweet, loving, caring girl. You have such a big heart. You make me laugh with your slaps and quirky little sayings :P
One thing i love about you esther, is that you make an effort. You make an effort to see how I'm doing, you make an effort to say hello to me. Even if it's just a squeeze of the arm, i know that i have a friend in you. You are stunning, Esther. Your beautiful "violet" eyes and silky brown hair. Just gorgeous. UGH STINK! Ewww seewagge... GRRRROT! ahahahah
Esther, you are a very blessed girl, and your morals are rare and precious. Never give them up, and never let any one tell you other wise. They are a girt from God and a strength in you. it is very admirable. Keep shining darling girl :)

Samm Osbourne. Although I only really got to know you at the beginning of this year, i am glad that i have. We don't talk all that often, but whenever we do, i come out of it uplifted and happy. I think we are quite similar in our thoughts, our relationship with God and in some kinda strange way maybe our personalities. Don't know if that might be an insult to you... but heheh. Samm, you really are an inspiration. You are doing so many things for God and they are coming from the right place. I've seen you in some sticky situations, and you have always handled them with grace and love. I respect that.
On top of all the deep stuff, i have fun with you, and i do enjoy spending time with you. I'm glad that you are in my life :)

Kate Armstrong. It saddens me that we hardly talk anymore, but that's okay, you are a very busy girl this year :P We've had some extremely fun times singing songs, sitting in the lady cave, going on fishing trips and planning on marketing "Dam Good Mud". I will never forget when we got in our bikinis and swam in a muddy dam and made mud bikinis ad exfoliated our skin. Our late night chats in the tent, and at all those student leader retreats were very memorable. Gee we talked about some very awkward things didn't we.
I remember our promise to be honest with eachother, i remember our big talks about God, and how i was your accountability partner, and i remember literally praying for you every night. You are a blesses girl, Kate. You are going places in your life. God bless you, always.

Olivia Alexander. We literally NEVER talk any more. the last time i saw you was probably when we were going to get our licenses, and you walked all the way to the school to tell us that you didn't have enough money. I actually feel really sad that we don't talk. You were always my special friend, that was incredibly cool and indie and mysterious and silly and random, and exactly like my inner self. We used to both be teachers-pet neat-freak goody-goody student leader christians. I'm not a teachers-pet, neat-freak, goody-goody any more, i don't know about you :P
I think you have a gift of making people feel loved and comfortable. And you have a great gift of connecting to people, your just one of that kind.
i remember one of the hardest nights of my life, when i wasn't a student leader any more and every one was clogging up my newsfeed with photos and wallposts about the new captains and prefects, and you posted on my wall "You are a sweetie <3" and that honestly made my night. Since i couldn't stop crying. i'll never forget that.

Friends, I love you lots. Don't forget that.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Radical Christians.

Hot or Cold?
Which are you?
Simple, simple question.
Are you hot?
On fire for God. Burning every second because you want to be near to God. Every breath you take is for God. You inhale God. You need God. Without God your life is black. Without God your life would be nothing. Everything you do is in accordance with Gods will. You feel an eternal restlessness, awkwardness and burning desire to be any where other than where you are now, because now isn’t close enough to God.
Are you hot or cold.
Are you cold?
You feel absolute hatred for God. You constantly do evil things and feel nothing about it. You enjoy hurting people, you enjoy suffering. You sin, and you like it. You feel a raging emptiness and you fill it with stuff. You know things are bad, but you do them anyway. You hate what is good, you hate what is right, and you hate what is pure. You fight what is good. You fight God. God is the enemy. God is good, but you hate good. Good is bad, boring, lame, and meaningless. Meaning to you, is whatever feels best.
Are you hot or cold?
Chances are, you are somewhere in between.
You are a luke warm Christian.
And God hates that more than he hates the cold ones.
Why do Christians ignore that particular part of the bible?
Do Christians even read the bible?
Do Christians even read the word of the God they swear is their whole life?

Why do you think God hates Luke-warm Christians?
I think it is quite simple.
Imagine you have a business. A great business that you have dedicated your life to. Heck, you’ve even given your sons life to. Imagine the lives of your sons and daughters depended on it.
Imagine you start hiring people to manage your company. You give them your name, you adopt them and you hand over your responsibilities to them.
Imagine they DON’T take on your responsibilities, live the way they always had, yet still proclaim your name.
Instead, they are giving you a BAD reputation instead of glorifying you (the sole purpose of their existence) and saving no one.
Bad analogy, I know. But the point is still the same. How can we expect God’s riches and Gods reward when we do not give everything of ourselves?
How can we not take all of God when it is being offered?
 God will draw to you the amount you draw to him.
Paul Washer,  my favourite preachers told a story about a boy that he saw dying on the side walk. He was shot 5 times in the stomach by a Muslim, because he refused to deny the name of Jesus.
That boy was 5 years old.
That is a radical Christian.
He went on to ask how we can claim to be radical Christians because we wear a T-shirt, because we go to a Christian music festival, because we lift our hands when we sing.
We are not hot Christians, and God hates that.
I am so burdened right now because God has put on my heart this truth.

We are doing every thing wrong.

I am laughing hard.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Erin and I attempt to bring Sexy Back.

So erin and i wanted to sing a song. We chose Sexy Back, among many others.
Please, ignore my laughing like a disabled person at the end. The awkwardness overwhelmed me.

My Loves.

these are the males i have grown up loving, and currently love.

Just a few that i can currently think of :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

well.... that was awkward.

So Bec and I are walking in the city, about to head to the train station.
This Guy wearing a Blues Jersey is walking towards me. He looks me up and down -very obviously- and says "Niiice."
So i say "Blues Supporter", then look him up and down very obviously and say "Shame."

*Awkward Fox*

At the time i did not realise he was being seedy. But now i look back, and it was pretty darn obvious. But hey, it's all over now.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Very Rational Fear.

I have a secret.

i am a very scared human being.

I am scared of many things, but mostly people.
I am terrified of pain inflicted by other people, and i am terrified of losing people I love at the hands of other people. I am sick with fear of torture. I am terrified of being close to tragedy.

I am afraid of blood, afraid of death and afraid of being afraid.

Do you know that feeling, that feeling of crippling fear. Your heart beats incredibly fast, and you can't move at all... no matter ho hard you try, you can't scream, or make a single sound.
I am terrified of feeling that. No, i am terrified of legitimately feeling that.
I am terrified of actually waking up to noises in my house, and not being able to move. I am terrified of that moment where it might actually be the end.

I was never scared of monsters. I was always scared of people. It's at the hands of people that billions of people die. People are so incredibly cruel. Humans can round up other humans and gas them. Humans can rape other humans, murder other humans, take other humans, torture other humans.
and that capability is in all of us.

Billions of people have legitimately felt fear. Billions of humans have felt torture while they die. And thousands are probably going through torture this very second.

I don't want to die alone, and I don't want to die afraid.

I hate being the last person awake. I don't know why, i just do.

Every night i pray very hard for the people I love. Crazy praying. Crazy looney on drugs praying. Selfish praying. I couldn't stand to lose anyone that I love. I honestly think the pain would kill me.

It's easy to hear about people suffering, people going through unimaginable pain, but at least we can switch off when it gets too hard to handle.

Thank God we are living in a safe country right now. Thank God we are the privileged few in this demented world.

Please God, let us remain untouched.