Friday, August 26, 2011

Just Be Happy.

I learnt a valuable lesson today: to just be happy.

Joy shouldn't come from circumstances, but from God alone. So Just Be Happy!

I was sad today. I woke up early, prepared to do my Ancient assignment, but my mum asked me very nice to babysit Amity for a couple of hours while she went to the shops before her course.
So i agreed.
Soon enough, it was time for me to go to work.
I went to work for four hours, feeling slightly sick that i wasn't working on my assignment, but comforted by the fact that i was making money.
Then at the end of my shift, i counted my till as per usual to find that i was about $50 under.
So, as Foodworks policy, I had to pay it back.
Thats my whole shift and a bit gone. That whole 4 hours that i could've been working on my assignment, wasted.
I was cool with that. Stiff upper lip.
Then the managers came in, and they were all like "we've told you time and time again to count your money back, not that we care, you're the one that has to pay for it."
then i was all like "but i DO count the money back"
and they were all like "no you do NOT"
and i was all like "....okay then"
it was fine, i walked out of the office, and i slightly felt like crying. My lip was quivering but that was alright. Then i went into the bathroom to get changed an i started crying then. Just a little bit. But then i slapped my face and said "HARDEN UP, MARIAH!"
SO i walked out fresh faced. By this stage, it was raining. Then i rang Adam to tell him i'd finished work, but unfortunately my mum took the car with the baby seat so i had to walk home.
So there i was, walking home in the rain, having just completed a shift that meant absolutely nothing at all.

Then i just decided to be happy. So what if i just worked 4 hours for nothing, so what if my managers hate me, so what if i have to walk home in the rain. SO WHAT.
It means absolutely nothing. Nothing. It's amazing how trivial it all is.

Joy should come from God alone and not our circumstances. I feel slightly ashamed at how easily my joy was taken away from me.

Next time you feel sad, just be happy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Life Via Webcam.

The following is a series of photos that symbolize the goings on in my life at the present time. i don't think the order will come out too good, so I'll just commentate in random order.
Me in a blonde wig, me with a curly fringe, me with pink head phones looking like a cross-eyed asian man (thats why i love it), me being HOT, me feigning shock at my idleness despite the business of my life, me crying because i have to use an ugly $25 phone cause i lost my old one, me in my work uniform and finally me disrespecting our Ancient History assignment.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Drama.

I just wanted to say something really quickly.

Drama sucks.

It is unnecessary and destructive. Some people LOVE drama. Every thing they do is about drama.

This could be you, yes you. The one reading this right now.

Maybe you make a big deal over things that don't need to be made a big deal about. Maybe you sulk. Maybe you pout when your opinion isn't heard. Maybe you are easily offended and you talk about it, continually bring it up and drag it out. Maybe you talk about people behind their backs. Create dramas about it, seek advice and "council" from others, when really, you just like the sound of your own voice.

You like the thrill, you like the attention, you are In Love With the DRAMA.

You may get a thrill out of drama, but it ruins other peoples lives.

Grow up, and figure out what your priorities are.

I am truly blessed to have such wonderful, easy-going friends.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Gaiz. I made a video.

And it is all truth.

Holly and Erin, whos next? ;)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I had the best moment of my life this afternoon.

Let me set the scene.
Me and my mum in the car, and a small bus filled with rowdy children.

As we passed the bus, the children stuck their upper bodies out of the bus and started screaming and shouting, and i just looked at them strangely.
It was a little something like this, actually:

Just imagine me, a moody teenager, in the car beside them.

And they continued yelling and laughing, and then i realised they were trying to befriend me. So i looked at them like this:

Then we caught up with them again, and we were going crazzzaaaay. The windows were down, the roof was open, we were all screaming.

i looked at them like this:

 And then my car turned left, and their little bus kept going straight.

And we stuck our heads out and kept screaming until we were completely separated.

I cried when i put my head back in the car.

And my mother and i, drove on in silence, and quiet tears rolled down my cheeks.

I will never forget that little bus full of heros.
beautiful, loud, angry, heros.