Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Drama.

I just wanted to say something really quickly.

Drama sucks.

It is unnecessary and destructive. Some people LOVE drama. Every thing they do is about drama.

This could be you, yes you. The one reading this right now.

Maybe you make a big deal over things that don't need to be made a big deal about. Maybe you sulk. Maybe you pout when your opinion isn't heard. Maybe you are easily offended and you talk about it, continually bring it up and drag it out. Maybe you talk about people behind their backs. Create dramas about it, seek advice and "council" from others, when really, you just like the sound of your own voice.

You like the thrill, you like the attention, you are In Love With the DRAMA.

You may get a thrill out of drama, but it ruins other peoples lives.

Grow up, and figure out what your priorities are.

I am truly blessed to have such wonderful, easy-going friends.


  1. I got about half way through reading this before I realised it wasn't about the school subject "Drama"

    But this post applied to me a great deal, I just had to laugh at that part.

  3. haha Adam, i realised that as i was writing it, but oh well.

    And Holly, you seem like a very easy going person to me. I think i know you quite well, and you stay out of trouble, you don't deliberately go out of your way to cause pain or create drama and you keep things to your circle.
    You are a very peaceful person :)
