No, it is not enough.
it is not enough.
When i was a child, i pictured what it would be like when i met God in heaven. I imagined running into his arms and laughing and crying and talking about absolutely everything. As i grew older i started thinking about how it would be like for the people who make it to heaven, but never had a close relationship with Him. I've always wanted to get to heaven, see God, and recognize him. Because we've already been friends my whole life.
I think our society has reached an age of misinterpretation, or, more likely, free-interpretation. We are all aware of the sweeping
New Age Culture I presume. For those of you that kind-of know what it means but aren't entirely sure, this is it in a nutshell: Do what you want, when you want, nobody can tell you it's right or wrong, 'cause right or wrong is truth, and truth is relative. According to Cardinal Paul Poupard, "New Age is a misleading answer to the oldest hopes of man".
Christianity is almost completely opposite to the New Age Cutlure. Jesus-centred, instead of self-centred. Absolute instead of Relative. I could go on to list more, but these are the main, corrupted points in comparison of the two cultures.
Cultures. That is an issue i have. Today, people define Christianity as a culture instead of a religion. I say Christianity IS a religion. Should be a religion. "Christianity is a relationship, not a religion". BULL. Absolute Bull. I say that is just an excuse for bad behavior.
Today, we have a lot of half-casts walking around. These half-casts are an impure breed, coming from opposite cultures. They shouldn't belong anywhere, but they find a way to. They shouldn't exist, but they find a way to.
These people are New-Age-Christians, and i dare say they are you and I.
We love Jesus, but we are self-centred.
We have the Christian beliefs, but they are relative.
Christianity is a relationship! Not a Religion! I can do what i like! Jesus will forgive!
Okay, Well how close is your relationship then?
if that's what this culture is defined as.
How often do you pray, how much do you read, how often do you obey....
But, a relationship isn't defined by how much you read your bible or how much you pray! you could say.
Okay, well what defines a relationship then?
If i stopped talking to Holly or Erin, if i stopped caring about what went on in their lives, if i ignored them in public and if i deliberately went against the things they said, do you think we'd still have a relationship? What if i claimed that we were still friends, would that actually change anything?
And what if Holly and Erin and I never actually had a friendship to begin with. Maybe we just knew each other because our parents were friends.
In the bible it says that the fruit is a reflection of the tree. meaning: good tree = good fruit. Bad tree = bad fruit.
Good relationship = good actions. Bad relationship = bad actions.
So, fellow New-Age-Christians: how are your actions?
I am going to wrap this point around in hopefully a single paragraph.
Christianity should be a religion. The word "religion" has negative connotations, but it is necessary. According to religion is defined as:
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
religions, Archaic . religious rites.
Archaic . strict faithfulness; devotion: a religion to one's vow.
Of course, they are some things that Christianity should not be attached to, but the bulk of that definition is all good! Stop defying the religion of Christianity. We a free, and we are free because of our religion. Our absolute truth.
We cannot hide behind a relationship, because our religion is the relationship. With out the actions, the study, the prayer, the dedication, sacrifice and time, we have got no relationship.
Christians need to be Absolute. The bible says we are to live pure, righteous and blameless lives. I know NO ONE who lives like that.
The bibles only command is that we LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I know NO ONE who lives by that command.
The truth is that we are drowning. The truth is that we have no hope.
But why accept that?!
Why accept that, and say "Jesus forgives me" while continuing on sinning and drowning and dying.
That, my friend, is the life of the New-Age-Christian.
The New-Age-Christian hears God's word and says "That doesn't apply to me.
The New-Age-Christian says "Well, if you look at the context of that verse, you see it doesn't really apply" or "That is a metaphor"
No. The word of God is the word of God.
Stop diluting it, stop polluting it.
The word of God is absolute and in no way relative.
If the bible says we are to live Pure and Blameless lives... it means it.
And we had better try as hard as we can.
You will fail, again and again. And you will be forgiven, again and again.
And you will never stop trying.
And you will grow closer and closer and closer and closer and closer and closer to God until you see his very face.
I'm in no means trying to discourage any one. In all honesty, i want to encourage you.
I love you guys, and i want you to have the best possible relationship with God. That way, when you see him in heaven, you will recognize him.
I believe any one who believes that Jesus is Lord will be saved.
I also believe we should take all of God, instead of just taking his gift.
i realise now this post makes absolutely no sense.
if you have any questions, or you think i've said something that's wrong, chances are we are actually on the same wave-length, I've just worded it different.
Peace out. And try your absolute hardest to live with God.